Live music is now a regular monthly event at Towcester Mill Brewery, giving everyone the opportunity to perform, whatever their talent!
The Mill has a function room on the second floor of the building which is already regularly used for live comedy nights and quiz nights as well as many private celebrations and functions. Now, each month, the Mill hosts an Open Mic Night, run by Joe Corkram, an acoustic singer-songwriter from Northampton.
“We’ve had such a great start to these music nights since we ran the first one in July,” said Joe. “We’ve had a wide variety of performers, of all ages and all abilities. We welcome everyone to come along, whether you want to just sit and watch and enjoy the entertainment, or whether you want to take to the stage, safe in the knowledge there’s a really friendly audience supporting you all the way!”
The next few Open Mic Nights will be held on:
Wednesday 17 October
Wednesday 21 November
Wednesday 19 December
“I’ve had a lot people say how much they have enjoyed the nights, both on and off the stage,” added Joe. “Entry is free and open to everyone. No tickets required, just turn up and enjoy.”
So, if you fancy trying something new and want to make the most of having a stage to perform on, then bring your voice and or your instrument and have your moment of fame!
For more information on all the What’s On events click here or find Towcester Mill Brewery on Facebook.